r+ Journal

HURRY!There are just three more weeks to go.

hello world!

Open to all r+ farm cycle participants: win an additional prize of a 4-day tour to Kampot for two*, all expenses paid. Attend our online webinar, watch our event video and leave a comment, or book a session with our team to learn about Co-farming For a Better Tomorrow to qualify to win.

The additional special prize includes:

  • A pair of return air tickets to Cambodia from Singapore
  • Vehicle transfer from Phnom Penh to Kampot
  • 3 nights' accommodation at Kampot
  • All meals provided
  • Tours to experience key attractions in and around Kampot

*Terms and conditions apply


Sign up for our online webinar "The Asia Property Investment Insights Series - Cambodia Edition" on 13 January 2023
Sign-up link: https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/500427771937

Watch and leave a comment for us:

The r+ Net Zero Experience video


Make an appointment:

r+ Co-Farming for a Better Tomorrow:
Opportunities in Land Banking

Email sales@rplus.asia to make an appointment

We look forward to receiving your submissions for the r+ Singapore farm cycle!

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4 July 2023

Along the highway in Kampot, you can often see Fruit sellers displaying their wares along the road, such as jackfruit and pineapple. Typically, two pineapples cost just US$1.50. r+ and our partners appreciate these indicators of simpler living, and take pride in making responsible choices for the environment and the communities that depend on it […]

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Heart at Work

Work continues apace with the construction of r+ cafe | grains. With the masterful completion of the frame, our guest installer, Gakir, returns to Singapore. We thank him for his invaluable contribution. Gakir, a Bangladeshi based in Singapore, is an expert installer. "I totally enjoyed the trip and will love to come back to Kampot! […]

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