r+ Journal

Heart at Work

hello world!

Work continues apace with the construction of r+ cafe | grains. With the masterful completion of the frame, our guest installer, Gakir, returns to Singapore. We thank him for his invaluable contribution.

Gakir, a Bangladeshi based in Singapore, is an expert installer.

"I totally enjoyed the trip and will love to come back to Kampot! "

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9 September 2023
Seeking "Greener" Pastures

In Kampot's countryside, there are seemingly endless fields of green, where I felt comforted amidst nature. There, I chatted with my friend, who I will refer to as Keith for privacy reasons, a farmer, who shared that he hoped to move to urban Kampot to live more comfortably one day. Returning home to Singapore last […]

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15 June 2023
Watermelon Smile

As we wind down for the week, we'd like to take a moment to highlight the watermelon farm near Lumo'an, Yilan. The farm produces a variety of fresh produce, inspiring us to create wholesome dishes using the fruits of the farmers' labour. At r+ resorts and dining concepts, we make use of fresh, locally-sourced ingredients […]

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