r+ Journal


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Along the highway in Kampot, you can often see Fruit sellers displaying their wares along the road, such as jackfruit and pineapple. Typically, two pineapples cost just US$1.50.

r+ and our partners appreciate these indicators of simpler living, and take pride in making responsible choices for the environment and the communities that depend on it for their livelihoods.

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19 May 2023
A Spicy Partnership

Great food requires great ingredients. In view of the upcoming opening of r+ cafe | grains, we paid a visit to Hong Spices to check out the famous Kampot Peppers intending to source from them. With a heart for the environment, r+ supports local businesses while offering world-class quality. We appreciate our excellent partnerships with […]

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2 June 2023
Man or the Sea?

Preparations continue for r+ cafe | grains. While discussions continue with our chef, the scenery caught our attention. For locals in Kampot, the sea has always been a source of their livelihoods, providing sustenance and income with the seafood fishermen catch. A question then came to mind: Where does our fish come from? A case […]

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