r+ Journal

A Union of Farm and Nature

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While checking out the spice fields at Hong Spices Farm, the scenery caught our attention - crops on one side and wilderness on the other - yet, despite their differences, the effect is one of harmony.

Just like this scene, r+ supports meaningful exchanges that complement one another and the environment. We believe that business models must evolve to benefit both nature and culture.

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24 May 2023
A Ripe Opportunity

Our R&D team is just in with a scoop! We are working with Jonah Foods to upcycle unsold mangoes into mango ice cream. This ice cream has 0% added sugars and no milk, yet possesses the creamy texture we crave. Development is still ongoing for Jonah Foods, and the ice cream is expected to become […]

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4 July 2023

Along the highway in Kampot, you can often see Fruit sellers displaying their wares along the road, such as jackfruit and pineapple. Typically, two pineapples cost just US$1.50. r+ and our partners appreciate these indicators of simpler living, and take pride in making responsible choices for the environment and the communities that depend on it […]

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