r+ Journal

A New Dawn

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We're working around the clock, preparing the ground for our latest dining and accommodation venture.

The framework for our lightweight r+ modules is almost complete. Each unit sits on a raised platform in anticipation of the approaching rainy season.

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4 July 2023

Along the highway in Kampot, you can often see Fruit sellers displaying their wares along the road, such as jackfruit and pineapple. Typically, two pineapples cost just US$1.50. r+ and our partners appreciate these indicators of simpler living, and take pride in making responsible choices for the environment and the communities that depend on it […]

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23 June 2023

Due to rising temperatures from climate change, Sanxing scallion farmers are suffering losses from failed or reduced scallion crops. r+ endeavours to make responsible and sustainable choices, reducing our impact on the environment as much as possible, while providing world-class service to our guests.

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