r+ Journal


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Due to rising temperatures from climate change, Sanxing scallion farmers are suffering losses from failed or reduced scallion crops.

r+ endeavours to make responsible and sustainable choices, reducing our impact on the environment as much as possible, while providing world-class service to our guests.

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4 July 2023

Along the highway in Kampot, you can often see Fruit sellers displaying their wares along the road, such as jackfruit and pineapple. Typically, two pineapples cost just US$1.50. r+ and our partners appreciate these indicators of simpler living, and take pride in making responsible choices for the environment and the communities that depend on it […]

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16 June 2023
Beauty of Taipingshan

Taipingshan is full of lush greenery and vegetation, like Taiwan cypress, Taiwan hemlock, and Japanese cypress. It is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of a modern city. r+ prides itself in providing precious experiences while also being respectful to the local environment and atmosphere. Our r+ resorts sit lightly on the […]

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