r+ Journal

Nature and Development

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It is possible for nature and development to coexist beautifully.

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9 September 2023
Seeking "Greener" Pastures

In Kampot's countryside, there are seemingly endless fields of green, where I felt comforted amidst nature. There, I chatted with my friend, who I will refer to as Keith for privacy reasons, a farmer, who shared that he hoped to move to urban Kampot to live more comfortably one day. Returning home to Singapore last […]

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21 July 2023

Recently in Kampot, I chanced upon what seemed to be a curry puff, complete with the signature green dot on the pastry skin! However, when I bit into the pastry, the filling was made with Mung Bean (which incidentally tasted sweet beneath the pastry crust). It was then I thought about Cambodian Kuehs, and how […]

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