r+ Journal


By Andy GohFounder and CEO of r+
hello world!

Recently in Kampot, I chanced upon what seemed to be a curry puff, complete with the signature green dot on the pastry skin! However, when I bit into the pastry, the filling was made with Mung Bean (which incidentally tasted sweet beneath the pastry crust).

It was then I thought about Cambodian Kuehs, and how they have an uncanny resemblance with other Southeast Asian Kuehs. Could Cambodian Kuehs share the same origins as Malaysian Kuehs? Or vice versa? Generations of changing preferences and varying living conditions could have introduced and evolved a multitude of adaptations.

Through food, we can understand a culture's traditions and history. From ingredients, preparation methods, to how a dish is presented, every element reflects the interweaving of intangible practices that we take for granted.

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30 May 2023
Salt and Pepper

Salt and Pepper "Kampot is a town of many wonders - it’s got the sea, the mountains, the rivers, GI salt and GI pepper, the farm stays and the laid back old French town feel. I would live in Kampot." - Andy Goh, Founder and CEO of r+ Kampot is home to wonderful local produce. […]

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12 October 2022
Realising Net-Zero Living

In the course of our everyday lives, we engage in activities that leave a residual trail of carbon emissions. At r+, our growing awareness against climate crisis.

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