r+ Journal

Rustic Roads

hello world!

We often don't take notice of the roads we travel on, taking them for granted. The roads in Kampot have a rustic charm to them, blending in with the natural environment and complementing it.

At r+, we endeavour to work with the environment and local communities' best attributes, complementing and value-adding each other to create sustainable growth.

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5 June 2023
A Concrete Plan

I've been quite busy over the past week as I travel between Singapore, Cambodia and Taiwan. One thing struck me when I was in Taiwan was the concrete dividers and drains in the Padi fields. It is a common sight to see these Padi Fields with concrete drains by the side of the tarmac road. […]

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30 May 2022
Transforming Hospitality Through Design

r+ is a return to fundamentals — an avenue in which we tune in to nature by respecting one another and our environment.

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