r+ Journal

Transforming Hospitality Through Design

New hospitality brand r+ unites responsible business, agriculture, and fintech capabilities
By Andy GohFounder and CEO of r+
hello world!

With today’s heightened awareness of just how precious and finite our planet’s resources are, the way forward is clear: we have a responsibility as stewards of the environment. As a Singaporean entrepreneur, I have decided to innovate a brand-new hospitality concept, r+.

r+ is a return to fundamentals — an avenue in which we tune in to nature by respecting one another and our environment. Previously, as CEO of Emerging Markets for design consultancy juggernaut ONG&ONG, my mission was to apply my design skills towards improving lives, especially for the region’s underserved and underdeveloped communities. This is a mission I continue to advocate.

With r+, I saw an opportunity to create a sustainable model that elevates the quality of life at a local level, especially as there are many spectacular locales around Asia just waiting to be discovered. Travel is gradually returning, and hospitality providers are anticipating strong, pent-up demand for destinations that are off the beaten path, albeit with first-world sanitation and upscale accommodation.

r+ is assembling resorts in unique surroundings that will offer truly experiential stays. Unlike conventional developments, these resorts comprise moveable modular units that slot neatly into a framework, so that the whole development sits lightly on the land. This allows r+ to build a complete luxury resort at almost any location in under six months, manage it for a fixed length of time, and then dismantle it and move it elsewhere, with very little impact on the land or environment. Locally sourced materials and vernacular style will be incorporated into the architecture.

“r+ is a return to fundamentals — an avenue in which we tune in to nature by respecting one another and our environment.”

The resorts will also provide hospitality training and engage local personnel, improving incomes and boosting living standards. Touch points across every stay experience are curated to impart aspects of the local culture. Guests are encouraged to explore and partake in each community’s activities, gaining an appreciation for diversity and meaningful insights to last a lifetime.

With the resorts located in predominantly agricultural areas, r+ is working with agro-tech experts to impart knowledge on farming techniques and the use of high-yield seeds to farmers, alongside deference to local wisdom about the land and climate to increase crop yields. I strongly believe this will encourage the younger generation of locals to take pride in farming as a profession, instead of heading elsewhere.

The harvested produce supports the resorts’ farm-to-table dining concepts, while the resorts in turn supply waste, forming a resource cycle. r+ is also investing in food processing and retailing to sell produce across Asia, effectively creating a holistic ecosystem that unites design and advanced technology with nature and local communities.

r+ ecosystem diagram

At its heart, r+ is all about creating a better way of life, for life.

The first r+ resort is scheduled for opening in 2023.

For more information, please contact hello@rplus.asia

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