r+ Journal

Right on Track

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While work continues on r+ cafe | grains, we're taking a moment to appreciate the train network in Kampot, Cambodia. While our MRT system in Singapore is modern and largely subterranean, most trains in Kampot exude a rustic feel, with cargo being trundled from station to station. These trains chug through the countryside amidst natural and beautiful landscapes that harbour great potential if sensitively developed.

As we journey into a brighter tomorrow, r+ supports meaningful exchanges, working in tandem with the environment and local communities.

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13 March 2023
r+ modules' evolution

We're happy to share that R&D for the third generation of our modules is underway!

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22 July 2023

When planning for the exterior of the r+ cafe | grains, I was asked why we chose rice. There are several reasons. First, it is a good way to preserve the horizontal aspect of the land. Secondly, we wanted a plant that is both aesthetically pleasing and a crop that we can harvest. Thirdly, we […]

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