
By Andy GohFounder and CEO of r+
hello world!

When planning for the exterior of the r+ cafe | grains, I was asked why we chose rice.

There are several reasons. First, it is a good way to preserve the horizontal aspect of the land. Secondly, we wanted a plant that is both aesthetically pleasing and a crop that we can harvest. Thirdly, we want visitors to r+ cafe | grains to gain an appreciation of rice, by seeing it grown in situ, supporting the field to table movement.

While a normal cafe may use an ornamental plant, we want a cafe that carries the r+ brand to showcase our values. We endeavour to work in harmony with the environment and offer our guests the most authentic experience. This is the r+ difference.

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16 May 2023
Sprucing Things Up

With the roofing completed, work has begun on the interior fit-out of r+ cafe | grains. For the flooring, we sourced local Chengal timber, a tropical hardwood which has undergone processing and advanced treatment. Bit by bit, we're building meaningful exchanges with local communities at multiple levels to create mutually beneficial outcomes.

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31 May 2023
Relishing the Local

We are casting for inspiration at local establishments as we sample foods to shortlist the best representatives of Kampot cuisine. r+ is launching a "Flavors of Kampot" dining concept, where we'll be featuring a different chef regularly at r+ cafe | grains. Diners can expect mouth-watering dishes prepared with world-class techniques and service.

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