r+ Journal

Relishing the Local

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We are casting for inspiration at local establishments as we sample foods to shortlist the best representatives of Kampot cuisine.

r+ is launching a "Flavors of Kampot" dining concept, where we'll be featuring a different chef regularly at r+ cafe | grains. Diners can expect mouth-watering dishes prepared with world-class techniques and service.

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19 May 2023
A Union of Farm and Nature

While checking out the spice fields at Hong Spices Farm, the scenery caught our attention - crops on one side and wilderness on the other - yet, despite their differences, the effect is one of harmony. Just like this scene, r+ supports meaningful exchanges that complement one another and the environment. We believe that business […]

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12 October 2022
Realising Net-Zero Living

In the course of our everyday lives, we engage in activities that leave a residual trail of carbon emissions. At r+, our growing awareness against climate crisis.

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