r+ Journal

Assets for Better Outcomes

hello world!

As hospitality managers for Kampot Park and Sarita Riverhouses, r+, in conjunction with Landform, held a seminar at The Hive Lavender.

Sales Manager Maverick Maung addressed opportunities in land banking and real estate, while Senior Marketing Consultant Emeric Lau covered the appeal of Kampot and Cambodia, as well as the r+ ecosystem.

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24 May 2023
A Ripe Opportunity

Our R&D team is just in with a scoop! We are working with Jonah Foods to upcycle unsold mangoes into mango ice cream. This ice cream has 0% added sugars and no milk, yet possesses the creamy texture we crave. Development is still ongoing for Jonah Foods, and the ice cream is expected to become […]

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12 October 2022
Realising Net-Zero Living

In the course of our everyday lives, we engage in activities that leave a residual trail of carbon emissions. At r+, our growing awareness against climate crisis.

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