r+ Journal


By Andy GohFounder and CEO of r+
hello world!

What are trails? How do trails begin and what do they become?

Where we are at in Kampot is near a limestone cave that is hidden behind plantations. Along these plantations is a trail that locals and even some foreigners use when they cycle to work everyday. The trail is not very well planned, a product of prolonged human traffic carving a path through the wilderness. Due to this, the path is dangerous by modern standards, with no warning signs or signages bringing attention to local landmarks. However, the trail connects to some scenic locations, like the previously mentioned limestone cave, as well as salt-drying plains and Kampot's railway; beautiful sights that are off the beaten path.

r+ is a real estate company, seeing real estate from a different perspective. We understand the difference between Real Estate and Real Living, and we are a company that appreciates Real Living. This is the r+ difference.

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