r+ Journal

r+ Farm Cycle weekly challenge

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Cycling through the lush green fields and vibrant local farms of Kampot with r+ Farm Cycle Challenge 2023 was an unforgettable experience. Not only did we have a blast exploring the natural beauty of the region, but we also learned so much about local farming practices in Kampot 🚴‍♂️🌾 #rplusfarmcyclekampot2023

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3 July 2023
I Avocadon't Believe it!

Would you have expected avocados from Kampot? Kampot Avocados are similar to their South American cousin, with an oval shape, while also having their beloved taste. r+ uncovers the hidden gems of nature and shares them with you!

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10 September 2023
The Tree Line

Kampot's farmland is home to some stunning scenery. At this rubber plantation, one can see a horizon line among the rubber trees. When nature and agriculture combine, the view often gets all the more interesting!

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