r+ Journal

Bigger and Batter

hello world!

Scallion pancakes (cong you bing) are a staple of Taiwanese breakfasts. There are several styles for preparing it, such as twirling, scrolling, and flattening.

The r+ team first served up scallion pancakes - in a fluffy "prata" style - back in 2019. Their interesting texture made them a hit, and we were sold out in less than three months!

Across our journeys, we share the best of wherever we go with you. We enhance local ingredients and offer authentic tastes for your enjoyment.

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5 June 2023
A Concrete Plan

I've been quite busy over the past week as I travel between Singapore, Cambodia and Taiwan. One thing struck me when I was in Taiwan was the concrete dividers and drains in the Padi fields. It is a common sight to see these Padi Fields with concrete drains by the side of the tarmac road. […]

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12 October 2022
Realising Net-Zero Living

In the course of our everyday lives, we engage in activities that leave a residual trail of carbon emissions. At r+, our growing awareness against climate crisis.

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