r+ Journal

Beauty of Nature

By r+ Team
hello world!

Even in the midst of a bustling city during the day, the beauty of nature shines through and lifts our souls as dawn breaks.

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16 June 2023
Beauty of Taipingshan

Taipingshan is full of lush greenery and vegetation, like Taiwan cypress, Taiwan hemlock, and Japanese cypress. It is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of a modern city. r+ prides itself in providing precious experiences while also being respectful to the local environment and atmosphere. Our r+ resorts sit lightly on the […]

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5 May 2023
r+ & Phillip Bank Joint Farm Cycle Kampot 2023

We had a blast at the r+ & Phillip Bank Cambodia Joint Farm Cycle Kampot 2023! More than 60 participants had joined us to cycle through the beautiful farms and communities of Kampot, Cambodia, in order to raise money for Smile Cambodia Organization. We're so grateful to everyone who came out and supported the event. […]

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